
Thursday, 29 July 2010

Mermaid tattoo... colours?

This was based on a biro sketch I drew upside down on my arm for my next tattoo check it out on my tumbler [link] Obviously if I do decide to get it tattooed it will be a lot simpler and I'll probs change my mind a hundered times about the colours. I already have a pentagram on my arm that I had done 7 years ago and the mermaids I tried to draw around it, and tried to make the most of the space on my arm. :heart:

Whats the best colours to have tattoo wise, I want something that wont fade 2 much over time.
Any suggestions from those of you who have tats? I hope you all like.

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Just 1 Level

The iphone game I worked on is now available on Itunes just click link! Its called 'Just 1 level' its a really cute and fun game. Tell your friends who have Iphones or Ipod touch!! :blowkiss: ENJOY
This is some of the artwork from the game on my deviantart page.

Saturday, 17 July 2010

some commission

Commission for A commission for

Commission 4 Stefania Ferro journalist website.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Mirror 2

This one is a little bit different from the last two.
Drawn in flash.
Enjoy :heart:

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Red Alice

My Alice queen of hearts. :heart:
Inspired by my old Alice in wonderland pic...

If you want to see more of like this click [link]
Hope you all like!

Friday, 2 July 2010